At Harrington Nursery School we have a team of governors that work as volunteers to support the school. Their role is to support and challenge the Headteacher, to help set the vision and strategic direction of the school and to ensure that our school is the very best it could be.
The Board have a wide range of responsibilities. These include tasks such as;
- Ensuring that the school meets its legal responsibilities
- Setting the school budget
- Making decisions about the school building and premises
- Setting school policies
- Appointing staff and making decisions about current staffing
- Looking at how well groups of pupils are performing and ensuring action is taken if there are any concerns.
Governor Meeting organisation
We have three Board meetings each year where all Governors attend. A range of sub-committee meetings also take place at least once per term. During these meetings we look at a wide range of information to find out how well the school is performing. A detailed Headteachers report is discussed at these meetings but we also look at data reports so that we can make our own decisions about how well things are going.
Terms of Reference and Scheme of Delegation for the Governing Board can be available upon request.
Governor Support in school
To support the work that goes on, Board Members also try to visit school as often as possible. We particularly enjoy talking to the children about their school. If you are interested in becoming a Board Member, please contact the school.
New Governors
If an individual is interested in being a member on our Board they would meet with the Headteacher and discuss what they could bring to the Board, this would get shared with the Board and then invited to attend a meeting where they would be appointed.
The Governing Board has 2 vacancies and we welcome any applicants from males or females whose cultures represent our local community.
Our Governing Body
We are proud to have a committed Board that is made up of a individuals with a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.
Please see the list below of our Board who are appointed in the Board meetings and serve 4 years as terms of office. Staff Members are nominated and serve a minimum of 4 years of office. Parents are elected by parents on a 2 years terms of office.
None of our Board nor staff have any pecuniary personal or business interests that they or any relative or person closely connected with them, have with businesses or other organisations that may have dealings with the school. Governors are asked on an annual basis. This could for example include owning or having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative work for a business that had dealings with school; having a relative working in or for school or being a governor of another school.
If any interest a governor has could be seen to cause a conflict of interest they would be asked to withdraw from any decision making concerned. This is to ensure that our governors can always be seen to be putting the interest of the school first. None of our governors have any interest to declare. We always check at the beginning of every meeting if anyone's circumstances have changed so the register is always kept up to date.
Meeting Dates:
Copies of the Approved Minutes and Headteacher Reports are available upon request from the School Office.